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October 24th, 2025 Provincial Professional Development Day

COTA October 24th, 2025 Professional Development Day 

Stay tuned for emerging information!

You must complete a Self-Directed form if you are not attending the COTA conference (drop down menu Professional Development and then Personal Pro-D (Self Directed) PRIOR to October 14th. A self-directed form must be completed if you are attending any conference or session on October 24th not offered by COTA or if you are doing alternate pro-d activities. SD23 requires employees to be on an SD23 site if not at a conference as October 24th is considered to be a workday.

If you are interested in presenting at a COTA Professional Development Day, please go to Call for Presenters and fill out the application form. Submissions are due September 26th for the October 24th day.

Please reach out to your COTA school/site Professional Development Representative or to COTA Professional Development Chairperson ( if you have any questions or concerns, or if you require additional information.

                             Programs in Professional Development brought to you by the Central Okanagan Teachers' Association

Pro-D Handbook 2023, 2024.docx

Above is the link to the COTA Pro-D Handbook if you are curious about what is considered to be pro-d and what you can use your pro-d funds for reimbursement.